Buy-ins under the CSD Regulation

Buy-ins under the CSD Regulation

6 Aug 2015 – The CSD Regulation and its accompanying technical standards should not require CSDs to play an active role in the processing of buy-in instructions. In line with current practice, buy-ins should be executed at trading level whenever possible, rather than at CSD participant level.

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Delayed adoption of CSDR standards

Delayed adoption of CSDR standards

3 July 2015 – The “Level 2” standards under the CSD Regulation will be submitted to the European Commission in September 2015, instead of June. ECSDA believes that this delay can be beneficial and contribute to better regulation if it allows for a thorough legal and market review of the draft standards and impact assessments.

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ECSDA responds to ESMA on settlement discipline

ECSDA responds to ESMA on settlement discipline

19 Feb 2015 – What will be the market impact of the CSDR rules on settlement discipline? The draft measures issued by ESMA for consultation in December 2014 in the context of the CSD Regulation (CSDR) would create a settlement discipline framework which has the potential to substantially affect the way securities transactions are cleared and settled today.

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CSDR enters into force on 17 September

CSDR enters into force on 17 September

28 Aug 2014 – Following its publication in the Official Journal on Thursday 28 August 2014, the CSD Regulation (“CSDR”) will officially enter into force on 17 September 2014.

Many provisions, however, still require the adoption of implementing and delegated acts, most of which are currently under preparation by the European Securities Market Authority.

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A new framework for CSD authorisation

A new framework for CSD authorisation

22 May 2014 – ECSDA calls for a truly harmonised process for authorising and supervising central securities depositories in the European Union and warns against excessive recordkeeping requirements that seek to turn CSDs into ‘transaction repositories’.

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