OeKB CSD | Austria | www.oekb-csd.at |
Euroclear Bank | Belgium | www.euroclear.com |
Euroclear Belgium | Belgium | www.euroclear.com |
Central Depository AD (CDAD) | Bulgaria | www.csd-bg.bg |
Central Depository & Clearing Company Inc. (SKDD) | Croatia | www.skdd.hr |
Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE) | Cyprus | www.cse.com.cy |
Central Securities Depository Prague (CSD Prague) | Czech Republic | www.centralnidepozitar.cz |
Euronext Securities | Copenhagen (VP Securities) | Denmark | www.vp.dk |
Euroclear Finland | Finland | www.euroclear.com |
Euroclear France | France | www.euroclear.com |
Clearstream Banking AG | Germany | www.clearstream.com |
ATHEXCSD | Greece | www.athexgroup.gr/athexcsd |
KELER Ltd | Hungary | www.keler.hu |
VBM | Iceland | www.vbm.is | Euronext Securities | Milan (Monte Titoli) | Italy | www.montetitoli.it |
Nasdaq CSD SE | Latvia | www.nasdaqbaltic.com |
Clearstream Banking S.A. (CBL) | Luxembourg | www.clearstream.com |
LuxCSD | Luxembourg | www.luxcsd.com |
Malta Stock Exchange (MSE) | Malta | www.borzamalta.com.mt |
Single Central Securities Depository (DCU) | Moldova | www.dcu.md |
CSD&CC - Montenegro | Montenegro | www.cda.me |
Euroclear Nederland | Netherlands | www.euroclear.com |
Euronext Securities | Oslo (VPS) | Norway | www.euronextvps.no |
The Central Securities Depository of Poland (KDPW) | Poland | www.kdpw.eu |
Euronext Securities | Porto (Interbolsa) | Portugal | www.interbolsa.pt |
Depozitarul Central | Romania | www.roclear.eu |
Central Securities Depository of the Slovak Republic (CDCP SR) | Slovakia | www.cdcp.sk |
KDD Central Securities Clearing Corporation (KDD) | Slovenia | www.kdd.si |
Iberclear | Spain | www.iberclear.es |
Euroclear Sweden | Sweden | www.euroclear.com |
SIX SIS Ltd | Switzerland | www.six-group.com |
Euroclear UK & International | United Kingdom | www.euroclear.com |