Mission and objectives
The main missions of ECSDA are:
- to study technical, economic, financial, and regulatory issues affecting European central securities depositories, to offer solutions and provide advice on these topics;
- facilitate cooperation between central securities depositories at the European and international level, including by providing a forum for the exchange of information, not only among members, but also between interested parties in the field of securities pre-settlement, settlement and custody;
- promote the unique role of central securities depositories in financial markets, and especially their contribution to reducing risks and increasing efficiency in relation to cross-border securities processing, for the benefit of issuers, investors and market participants;
- represent and defend the common interests of European central securities depositories, especially by supporting a coordinated approach towards relevant European and international regulatory and decision-making bodies with competence in the field of securities pre-settlement, settlement and custody.
ECSDA generally promotes:
- a process flow that ensures highest efficiency with a low risk profile;
- a level playing field with the highest standards for entities providing custody, pre-settlement and settlement services;
- common standards to remove barriers to cross-border settlement;
- the exchange of information on legal, tax, regulatory issues and market practices to foster harmonisation across Europe;
- international cooperation.
ECSDA’s mission and objectives are further described inĀ our Articles of Association.