New Timeline for February Penalties process
After extensive evaluation and considering wide-ranging discussions of recent days, the CSDs have agreed in principle on a process for February penalties. Below we outline the timeline for the February penalties process and some of the elements that CSDs took into account.
Acknowledging the AFME proposal of last Friday (March 11), the CSDs confirmed their agreement and possibility to proceed with collection and distribution for payment date on 13 April.
The resulting timeline of the process:
*The dates decided by the CSDs are communicated by them to the participants.
Useful documents:
Dates for reporting of Monthly Net amounts. (Last updated on 31 March 2022. The overview of the CSD preferences is updated intra-day, upon reception of information; we hope to complete the document on 18 March, at the latest. Please refer to the relevant CSD communication as the ultimate source of information.)
ECSDA April calendar for March penalties (for Easter holidays). (Last updated on 30 March 2022.)