Author: Massimo Della Valentina

Euroclear ESES CSDs are granted a CSD licence under CSDR

Euroclear ESES CSDs are granted a CSD licence under CSDR

Euroclear Belgium, Euroclear France, and Euroclear Nederland (the ‘ESES CSDs’) have been authorised by their national autorities under European regulation n° 909/2014 on central securities depositories, placing their entity under the European regulatory framework.

Please see the full release

The list of CSDs authorised under the CSDR is provided on CSD Facts page of the website.

Forward-looking thinking of European CSDs at the WFC Innovation panel in Marrakech

Forward-looking thinking of European CSDs at the WFC Innovation panel in Marrakech

The WFC 2019 in April has shown us a beautiful range of European CSDs speakers. We would like to bring to your attention the materials used for presentation by some of them during the Innovation panel.

The panel was moderated by Mathias Papenfuß, Member of the Executive Board of Clearstream, ECSDA Chair, and the speakers included John Trundle, CEO at Euroclear UK&Ireland; Paolo Caniccio, CTO, LSEG, Trade CTO Monte Titoli; Thomas Zeeb, Chairman SIX Digital Exchange Ltd, SDX. Jointly they have discussed Innovation and Diversification in the field of CSDs and market infrastructure.

Please find below their presentations:

John Trundle, CEO at Euroclear UK&Ireland

Paolo Caniccio, CTO, LSEG, Trade CTO Monte Titoli

Thomas Zeeb, Chairman SIX Digital Exchange Ltd, SDX

ECSDA feedback on the CMH-TF standards

ECSDA feedback on the CMH-TF standards

The European Central Securities Depositories association (ECSDA) appreciates to possibility to contribute to further improvement of the AMI-SeCo on the Collateral Management Harmonisation Task Force (CMH-TF) draft standards.
ECSDA welcomes and supports the harmonisation efforts undertaken by the CMH-TF and we note that many of our detailed comments have been taken on board in the draft standards.
Although some of the issues that are fundamental in view of CSDs have not been incorporated in the standards yet. We would like hence to reiterate those issues that we deem most important and complement them with additional points that we deem would be useful in order to advance the work on the standards.

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ESMA to recognise the UK CSD in case of no-deal Brexit

ESMA to recognise the UK CSD in case of no-deal Brexit

ESMA announced the 1th of March 2019 that, in a case of a no-deal Brexit scenario, the CSDs established in the UK, Euroclear UK and Ireland Limited, will be recognised as a third country CSDs to provide their services in the European Union (EU). This decision has been taken in order to allow the UK CSD to keep serving Irish securities and to avoid any negative impact on the Irish securities market. ESMA has also released its consideration about the UK CSD and its compliance with the CSDR: the Articles 25 conditions of CSDR are met by the UK CSD in the eventuality of a no-deal Brexit. According to this, it has been adopted a decision to recognise the UK CSD as a third-country CSD under the CSDR. The recognition of the decision would eventually come into effect on the date following a no-deal Brexit.

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