Author: Irina Bussoli

Euronext Securities Oslo implements CSDR in Norway

Euronext Securities Oslo implements CSDR in Norway

On 28 January 2022, Euronext Securities Oslo (ES-OSL) obtained approval from the Norwegian FSA (NFSA) to operate as a Central Securities Depository in accordance with EUs Central Securities Depositories Regulation, (CSDR).

CSDR settlement discipline will then be introduced from 1 March.

See the full release

The list of CSDs authorised under the CSDR is provided on the CSD Facts page of the website.

ECSDA responded to the CPMI-IOSCO Consultative report on the Application of the PFMIs to Stablecoin Arrangements

ECSDA responded to the CPMI-IOSCO Consultative report on the Application of the PFMIs to Stablecoin Arrangements

On 1 December, ECSDA has responded to the CPMI-IOSCO Consultative report on the Application of the PFMIs to Stablecoin Arrangements

ECSDA’s response conveys these key messages to stakeholders:

  • Clarifying the liability regime and the rights associated with settlement assets is crucial
  • Risks posed by ‘probabilistic finality’ must be removed – ensuring financial stability
  • Enhancing money settlements

See the full response

ECSDA issues its updated CSDR Penalties Framework

ECSDA issues its updated CSDR Penalties Framework

On 5 October 2021, the European Central Securities Depositories Association (ECSDA) publishes the updated version of the ECSDA CSDR Settlement Fails Penalties Framework.

The Framework is the effort of compliance with the Regulation and harmonisation of settlement penalties mechanisms across CSDs subject to CSDR or regulation alike and constitutes a market practice focusing on the settlement fails related requirements in the Central Securities Depositories (CSDs) Regulation and its Regulatory Technical Standards on Settlement Discipline, aiming at improving “the safety and efficiency of securities settlement”.

The current version of the document provides the changes in comparison with the previous one highlighted in grey and the assumptions pending ESMA and EC feedback in yellow.

ECSDA also makes public operational details of CSDs Settlement Discipline implementation via a questionnaire, regularly updated.

ECSDA CSDR Penalties Framework last updated 05/10/2021
ECSDA response to practical questions of CSD participants on CSDR penalties implementation – last updated 20/09/2021


SIX Digital Exchange obtained licenses to operate a CSD and stock Exchange for digital assets

SIX Digital Exchange obtained licenses to operate a CSD and stock Exchange for digital assets

ECSDA congratulates SIX Digital Exchange having obtained two licenses to operate a CSD as well as a stock exchange for digital assets. The authorisation was granted by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority – FINMA. These licenses will enable a fully regulated, integrated trading, settlement, and custody infrastructure based on distributed ledger technology for digital securities. SIX Digital Exchange is part of the SIX group, also including SIX SIS, an ECSDA Member.

Please see the full release.

ECSDA updates the CSD links matrix

ECSDA updates the CSD links matrix

Today, 30/06/2021, ECSDA updates its CSD links matrix. Here are the main numbers:

  •  ECSDA Members have between each other a total of 265 links.
  • ECSDA Members have links with other CSDs globally for a total of 105.
  • In total, all links between ECSDA Member-CSDs and other CSDs globally represent 370 links.

Please see the matrix. (updated on 19/10/2021 for EBE, EF and ENL

European CSD Association elects new Chair and Executive Committee Members

European CSD Association elects new Chair and Executive Committee Members

Today, 19 May 2021, at the General Meeting of the European Association of Central Securities Depositories (ECSDA), Mathias Papenfuß stepped down from his position as Chairman of the Association’s Board. At the same meeting Brigitte Daurelle resigned from her position as Vice-Chair of ECSDA. For the remaining one-year period ahead of the re-election of the full ECSDA Board, Mark Gem and Guillaume Eliet have been elected as Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board. ECSDA Members have also elected three new Executive Committee Members of the Association.

After having successfully led ECSDA Board for eight years, since 3 May 2013, Mathias Papenfuß steps down from the ECSDA Chair position. He has played an instrumental role in the foundation of the Association and pioneered the vision of ECSDA in providing a voice for CSDs across Europe. Under his Chairmanship, ECSDA has solidified its role as a major stakeholder in discussions with authorities, an essential place of dialogue for the industry and has grown its membership base.

Brigitte Daurelle, who is also departing from ECSDA today, has been integral in contributing her expertise as Vice-Chair of the Association during the previous five years.

Gathering remotely during the Annual General Meeting on 19 May 2021, ECSDA Board elected Mark Gem of Clearstream Banking AG as its Chairman, replacing Mathias Papenfuß. Furthermore, Guillaume Eliet of Euroclear has been elected to replace Brigitte Daurelle as Vice-Chair of the Executive Committee. Three new Executive Committee Members have also been elected to complete the ECSDA Executive Committee: (i) Loretta Milani of MONTETITOLI, (ii) Florentin Soliva of SIX SIS and (iii) Michael Carty of Euroclear UK & Ireland.
The mandate of the newly elected ECSDA Officers and Members will last until the re-election of the full ECSDA Board in 2022.

Commenting on his experience as Chairman, Mathias Papenfuß noted:
“It has been a great privilege and honour for me to be the ECSDA Chairperson for such a long period of time. I enjoyed the leadership role of ECSDA and the strong collaboration, trust, and personal relationships with its members very much. Although I am saddened to step down as Chairman, I am reassured of the professional and mature association that ECSDA has become over the last 10 years considering its strong recognition within Europe and also globally.”

Commenting on his election, Mark Gem noted:
“Europe’s post-trade financial market infrastructure has always been globally competitive and its CSDs are a core part of that. ECSDA has played a leading role in preparing the CSDs for T2S and CSDR and in making the industry safe and efficient and we now look forward to playing a key role in Capital Markets Union. It is a very great honour to take on the leadership of the at such an exciting time.”

Please see the full list of Executive Committee member here

A complete list of ECSDA Board Directors can be found here.

Press release

ECSDA responded to the SFD consultation

ECSDA responded to the SFD consultation

Today, 7 May 2021, ECSDA responded to the European Commission consultation on the review of the Settlement Finality Directive.

The full document can be found here.