ECSDA welcomes ID2S as a new member

ECSDA welcomes ID2S as a new member

ECSDA is pleased to welcome ID2S as a new member having joined the association.

On Tuesday 27 November, the ECSDA Extraordinary General Meeting has approved ID2S as a new member. ID2S Chief Executive Officer, Andrea Tranquillini, becomes ECSDA new Board member.

The French CSD, has been recently authorized under the EU CSD Regulation to provide central securities depository services for the Negotiable European Commercial Paper (NEU CP) market, and hence was eligible to become an ECSDA member. ID2S was formed by combining the expertise of a telecom company and a developer of an MTF for commercial papers Orange S.A and SETL, as a provider of transactional services based on blockchain technology.

ID2S uses IT technology based on blockchain solutions as operated by SETL. Since recently, it is also connected to T2S and provides ancillary services adapted to NEU CP.

Learn more about ID2S from the interview of Thiebald Cremers, Director Legal and Public Affairs at SETL France, on the occasion of the ECSDA Technology day on 27 November 2018  – Read the full interview




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