ECSDA New Technology Day

During the ECSDA TechDay, the panellists and the audience discussed the best technology addressing the variety of market infrastructure needs, how best to implement it and what needs to change in the regulatory environment to support the technological and market evolution.
On the examples of the most advanced blockchain-based market infrastructure projects, the participants could learn and discuss if the new technology can address the needs of a CSD; if it can do so as good or even better than the current technology; and if the change of technology will result in a change of a CSD role.
In addition to two strong panels on technology and regulation, we had the pleasure to welcome:
Kay Swinburne, MEP and rapporteur for CSD Regulation, and
Roberto Viola, Director General of DG Connect (European Digital Agenda, Cloud and Blockchain)
who shared their views as keynote speakers.
150 participants were present and included senior CSD executive, operating and technology officers, regulatory, legal and innovation experts, as well as European, national and global authorities.
The use-cases include the projects focused on CSD core and ancillary services, these are:
(Some presenters kindly agreed to make their slides available for public - click on the item to open)
Derivatives processing on blockchain by DTCC
Liquidity Alliance and HQLAx by Deutsche Börse AG (not available for public distribution)
D3 project for crypto assets by NSD
In addition the following reports have been presented:
Report presentation “Infrastructure for Crypto-Assets: A Review by Infrastructure Providers”
AMI-SeCo Fintech Report